y ALPO-Japan Latest

Saturn Image 2020/09/15(UT)

Trevor Barry

Trevor Barry
Imaged Saturn September 15th in mostly good seeing. 
The North polar vortex and vertices of the hexagon are well resolved in the 685nm IR data. 
The IR data also resolves a mid latitude bright spot at approx Lat+36.6 L3 92.6 along with a large diffuse bright spot at approx Lat+20.4 L3 82.1 both of these features are marked in the IR animation. 
It is likely that the previously mentioned detail is also in the R and RGB data but of course movement is key to the positive identification of such detail 
and I regret I have no animations of those wavelengths for this session.

[Trevor Barry:Broken Hill:Australia]

ALPO-Japan Latest Saturn Section