y ALPO-Japan Latest

Saturn Image 2020/10/02(UT)

Ecleido Sousa Azevedo,Trevor Barry

Ecleido Sousa Azevedo

[Ecleido Sousa Azevedo : Areado/MG,Brasil]

Trevor Barry
Imaged Saturn October 2nd targeting a CM transit of the 2010 GWS AV. Initially the seeing was good but by the time the AV was at the CM it had deteriorated significantly. 
That said have very nicely resolved the AV prior to it reaching the CM. The 685nm IR data very well resolves the  North polar vortex and vertices of the hexagon along with some of the thin concentric ring structure inside the North polar collar (NPR). 
The subtle banding within the atmosphere is particularly well defined at all wavelengths as is a ripple on the edge of the EZ impinging into the NEB toward the P limb. Both the R and RGB data also resolve a mid latitude diffuse white oval. 
I measure the AV to be at approx Lat+43.1 L3 225.7. The mid latitude diffuse white oval is at approx Lat+36.8 L3 231 while the EZ ripple is at approx Lat+14 L1 142.2

[Trevor Barry:Broken Hill:Australia]

ALPO-Japan Latest Saturn Section