y ALPO-Japan Latest

Saturn Image 2021/06/04(UT)

Trevor Barry

Trevor Barry
Imaged Saturn & Jupiter in good seeing June 4th, have very good data at all wavelengths from 3am to 5:30am local. Have a significant volume of data and it is all good.
My coverage of Saturn covers 84 minutes of Saturn rotation in 685nm IR, R, G, RGB, B and CH4 with animations in 685nm IR, R, G, RGB, and B.
Have produced complete sets of polar maps of both the 685nm IR and RGB data. The vertices of the hex are well seen, I note a bright storm on the edge of the hexagon midway along one of the hexagons flats in the IR data. I have marked the storm in only one of the three IR polar maps but it is seen in all of them. I measure this storm to be at approx Lat+79.8 L3 294. 
There are several features resolved at various wavelengths and they are marked in the animations and insets. A large bright diffuse feature at approx Lat+56.5 L3 59.7 two other bright spots are resolved at approx Lat+58.2 L3 52.2 and Lat+58.2 L3 74.7. A mid latitude bright spot is resolved at approx Lat+28.7 L3 31.5 in the NEB toward itfs border with the EZ. Other small scale detail is also seen in the animations.

[Trevor Barry:Broken Hill:Australia]

ALPO-Japan Latest Saturn Section