y ALPO-Japan Latest

Saturn Image 2021/06/29(UT)

Antonio Lasala Garcia,Lucca Schwingel Viola,Trevor Barry

Antonio Lasala
[Antonio Lasala :Morata de Jalon:Spain]

Lucca Schwingel Viola
Seeing 2/5 Trans 6/10

[Lucca Schwingel Viola : Matupa Brazil]

Trevor Barry
Imaged Saturn June 29th covering just over 3 hours of Saturn rotation. Seeing was fair at best but the 685nm IR data actually came up better than I expected. The IR data well resolves a large elongated bright feature just within the NPR  near the P limb at approx Lat+64 L3 330.2 along with a mid latitude bright spot at approx Lat+30.3 L3 26.9. The EZ remains active with some low contrast bright spots, have marked the most prominent of these in the animations at approx Lat+1.6 L1 62.3 this bright feature is elongated but more so at an inclined angle to rather than parallel with the EZ. Associated with this bright feature is a linear dark feature, which shows up well in the IR animation. A ripple in the Northern edge of the EZ impinging up into the NEB is well seen at approx Lat+15 L1 115.2. 
An animation of the IR maps seems to show the series of bright spots within the EZ near the border with the NEB.
[Trevor Barry:Broken Hill:Australia]

ALPO-Japan Latest Saturn Section