y ALPO-Japan Latest

Saturn Image 2021/09/06(UT)

Lucca Schwingel Viola,Mark Lonsdale,Guan.Zhong Wang,Mike Hood,Trevor Barry,Efrain Morales Rivera,Milosz Leszewicz

Lucca Schwingel Viola
Seeing 4/5 Trans 5/10

[Lucca Schwingel Viola : Matupa Brazil]

Mark Lonsdale

[Mark Lonsdale : [Canberra,Australia]

Guan.Zhong Wang
[Guan.Zhong Wang : Taichung,Taiwan]

Mike Hood
In good seeing and de-rotated for 16 minutes.

[Mike Hood : Kathleen Georgia,U.S.A.]

Trevor Barry
the seeing was at best fair so only 685nm IR data.
These data cover 1 1/5 hours of Saturn rotation with none of the small scale detail I have been tracking across the planet resolved.
Have created an animation and that does reveal glimpses of the low contrast detail within the EZ.

[Trevor Barry:Broken Hill:Australia]

Efrain Morales Rivera

[Efrain Morales Rivera  Aguadilla:Puerto Rico]

Milosz Leszewicz
Telescope 355mm SC : ASI 290 MM camera Seeing 7/10 Trans 7/10
Attached RGB and LRGB animations showing the rotation of the planet. Processed and collected about 24 minutes of data taken from Barbados.
[Milosz Leszewicz : Gdynia,Poland and St.Philip,Barbados]

ALPO-Japan Latest Saturn Section