y ALPO-Japan Latest

Saturn Image 2021/11/26(UT)

Trevor Barry

Trevor Barry
In quite reasonable seeing for so late in the apparition. 
The 685nm IR data resolves a small bright spot hard up against the one side of the polar hexagon at approx Lat+79.4 L3 141.1 it is best seen in the polar maps, particularly the polar animation. 
Some low contrast features are resolved in the EZ, again best seen in the IR data. 
I measure a low amplitude ripple on the EZ / NEB border at approx Lat+14.3 L1 180.4 also I have marked and measured a dark feature within the EZ at approx Lat+5.5 L1 183.5

[Trevor Barry:Broken Hill:Australia]

ALPO-Japan Latest Saturn Section