y ALPO-Japan Latest

Saturn Image 2021/12/06(UT)

Guan.Zhong Wang,Trevor Barry

Guan.Zhong Wang

[Guan.Zhong Wang : Taichung,Taiwan]

Trevor Barry
Imaged Saturn December 6th just after Sunset, initially the seeing was exceptional and lasted long enough to capture a full 685nm IR run, 
6 x 90sec. The seeing dropped off significantly after capturing the IR data so R, G & B were ordinary to abysmal. 
The IR data resolves a bright spot near the CM North of the NNTeB at approx Lat+53.2 L3 332.2. 
A series of ripples along the Southern edge of the NNTeB were resolved in the HST OPAL data Sept 12th 
and at least two ripples are resolved in this data along the Southern edge of the NNTeB at approx Lat+47.4 L3 338.7 and Lat+47.4 L3 356.5. 
Several low contrast bright and dark spots are resolved in the EZ I have marked one bright spot at approx Lat+11.7 L1 334.1 
and two dark spots at approx Lat+7.1 L1 341.3 and Lat+8.2 L1 352.9 these features are well seen in the polar map.

[Trevor Barry:Broken Hill:Australia]

ALPO-Japan Latest Saturn Section