木星 ALPO-Japan Latest

Jupiter Image 2022/06/16(UT)

Felipe Felix,Jose Luis Pereira,Christopher Go,Antonio Cidadao,Andy Casely,Vlamir da Silva Junior,Michel Jacques Jacquesson
F.Felix,J.Luis,Christopher Go,A.Cidadao,A.Casely,V.da Silva Jr.,Michel.J

Felipe Felix

[Felipe Felix : Fortaleza - Brazile]

Jose Luis Pereira
Newtonian Telescope 275mm f/5.3 + NEPTUNE-CII +  Barlow Siebert 3,5x + IR685nm Baader filter.

Newtonian Telescope 275mm f/5.3 + NEPTUNE-CII +  Barlow Siebert 3,5x + CH4 Methane Filter 20nm

[Jose Luis Pereira :Sao Caetano do Sul/Sao Paulo/Brasil]

Christopher Go
I was having second thoughts about imaging today.
2/3 of the sky was covered with heavy thunderstorm clouds while the eastern sky around Jupiter was clear.
I was scared because it might rain was the heavy cloud was overhead.
Fortunately,it didn't rain and the seeing was fantastic!  Although I had to image through some thin clouds.

The GRS is prominent in these images.  The "chimney" above the GRS seems open.
This feature is bright in methane band.  The outbreaks on the wake of the GRS is active.
Oval BA can be seen setting on the right.  Note the strange cyclonic feature on the NEB just past the CM.

[Christopher Go : Cebu Philippines]

Antonio Cidadao
Poor transparency,below average seeing.

≪アントニオ  シダダオ  ポルトガル≫
[Antonio Cidadao  Oeiras - Portugal]

Andy Casely
A set from this morning in pretty soft seeing,also with a break due to clouds.
A few decent details in the methane image despite the seeing.
No major activity around the GRS,though the chimney is strongly open,bright also in CH4.
Several plumes in the GRS' wake. The SPR LRS-1 is visible.
Lower edge of the NEB quite disturbed with small outbreaks and dark CH4 spots.

[Andy Casely,Sydney,Australiaa]

Vlamir da Silva Junior

[Vlamir da Silva Junior : Sao Paulo,Brazil]

Michel Jacquesson

[Michel Jacquesson : Sevigny-Waleppe (Ardennes) France]

ALPO-Japan Latest Jupiter Section