土星 ALPO-Japan Latest

Saturn Image 2022/04/10(UT)

Lucca Schwingel Viola,Andy Casely

Lucca Schwingel Viola
2022-04-10,08:53.1 UT〓 CM I 351,8° CM II 275,0° CM III 117,8°
Seeing〓 2-3/5〓 〓Trans 5/10

[Lucca Schwingel Viola : Matupa Brazil]

Andy Casely
Saturn was in quite good conditions and at reasonable altitude, 
and has five moons nearby (moons aligned to RGB from a frame about 10min after the central RGB timestamp) 
・as noted previously, no clear sign of unusual light/shadow near the rings. 
IR time was about 19:08UT.  The polar hexagon is just about visible in IR.

[Andy Casely,Sydney,Australiaa]

ALPO-Japan Latest Saturn Section