y ALPO-Japan Latest

Saturn Image 2022/04/13(UT)

Clyde Foster

Clyde Foster
Despite some jetstream and cloud interference, I had some decent seeing conditions for Saturn this morning.
Regarding the Sunlight through Cassini image of April 5 (R), myself and Martin Lewis have continued to investigate, 
utilising various processing techniques, 
including both derotation and direct stacking. From these investigations, 
and given some more recent images captured under reasonably good conditions (including my R of this morning), 
our latest view is that the very small sliver of sunlight,
if detected at all, should not have shown as prominently as it did in my image of 5 April.
It appears to have been enhanced during the derotation step, and for the time being, 
we need to conclude that it was most likely a processing artefact. Although a disappointing conclusion, 
it is quite a remarkable coincidence that the artefact suddenly appeared at the same time 
that the sliver of sunlight was appearing from below the rings!
Having said that, the sliver of sunlight should still expand (based in the Winjupos simulation) through to the middle of May,
and will be an interesting challenge for imagers. It is likely that very good seeing conditions will be required to get a reasonable view.

[Clyde Foster:Centurion,South Africa]

ALPO-Japan Latest Saturn Section