Increase in ring tilt from 13th June to 14th July by N.MacNeill
Further to my previous email, please find the blink animation I mentioned showing Saturn on 13th June versus 14th July, where the increase in ring tilt can be seen. I had checked that the increase in ring tilt was consistent¬with the WinJUPOS Ephemerides.
Thanks to Trevor Barry, who confirmed back to me that the change in ring tilt is due to the changing viewing angle of Saturn thanks to the movement of the Earth in its orbit. He confirmed to me that the rings have been opening up again since June 21st.¬
I found this graph showing how the ring tilt changes over time with respect to the Sun and the Earth, which¬confirms that the rings will continue to open up until opposition¬in August at which¬time they will begin to close again.
On Wed, 20 Jul 2022 at 08:51, Niall MacNei wrote:
Please find captures from a few days back, the 14th of July. The seeing was fair to good, but deteriorating through the run.
Marc, here is a link to the DeTeCt run. Nothing observed!
Some activity can be seen on the f side of the Central Meridian (CM) in the NNTB and less obviously to the north of that in the NNTZ and closer to the CM.
I was intrigued to see that the rings have opened up again since my last capture almost exactly a month ago. I have included that image for comparison. I will try and put together a blink animation of them later today. I have seen a chart that shows the ring tilt oscillating but with an overall trend to closing up for obvious reasons. I presume the oscillation, including opening back up again,¬is due to the orbital motion of the Earth, which¬gives a different viewing angle to the rings and that is consistent with the different ring tilt.
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