y ALPO-Japan Latest

Saturn Image 2022/07/14(UT)

Niall MacNeill

Niall MacNeill
Please find captures from a few days back, the 14th of July. The seeing was fair to good, but deteriorating through the run.
Marc, here is a link to the DeTeCt run. Nothing observed!
Some activity can be seen on the f side of the Central Meridian (CM) in the NNTB and less obviously to the north of that in the NNTZ and closer to the CM.

I was intrigued to see that the rings have opened up again since my last capture almost exactly a month ago. I have included that image for comparison. I will try and put together a blink animation of them later today. I have seen a chart that shows the ring tilt oscillating but with an overall trend to closing up for obvious reasons. I presume the oscillation, including opening back up again,is due to the orbital motion of the Earth, whichgives a different viewing angle to the rings and that is consistent with the different ring tilt.

[Niall MacNeill : Wattle Flat,NSW,Australia]

ALPO-Japan Latest Saturn Section