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Saturn Image 2022/08/20(UT)
Nicolas Ariel Arias,Guan.Zhong Wang,Vincenzo della Vecchia,Jean-Luc Dauvergne,Paolo Micca,Andy Casely
N A.Arias,G.Z.Wang,V.della Vecchia,JL Dauvergne,P.Micca,A.Casely
Sw 10" Dobsonian Hand Tracked,Seeing 6/10
[Nicolas Ariel Arias : Buenos Aires,Argentina]
[Guan.Zhong Wang : Taichung,Taiwan]
Saturn imaged this morning,one week after opposition,in favourable seeing brought here by western winds.
A possibile storm has been recorded on the southern edge of polar region. Its estimated position is L3=+5,B"=+63.
[Vincenzo della Vecchia : [Aversa,Italy]
[Jean-Luc Dauvergne:Paris France]
[Paolo Micca : Rome ITALY]
I managed a brief observing session on 20th August while covd/jetlagged and in a rare gap in the clouds Ethe result was just a single Saturn RGB image. Seeing was pretty good, there is the small pale storm at ~65N, L3= ~13deg, some low-contrast EZ features and perhaps a few mid-latitude wrinkles elsewhere. Four moons surround the planet.
[Andy Casely,Sydney,Australiaa]