木星 ALPO-Japan Latest

Jupiter Image 2025/01/27(UT)
Mike Karakas,John Sussenbach,Tiziano Olivetti,John Rozakis,Manos Kardasis

Mike Karakas
Here is my Jupiter image from this evening.
Notice the very small white storm just in front of the NTB outbreak.
It makes me suspicious that this could be another outbreak within the NTB.

Curious if other imagers have also captured it.  I will process my IR and CH4 images,which will follow tomorrow.

I was too curious about the nature of that small storm in the NTB which was shown in my previous RGB image,
so I quickly processed my corresponding IR and CH4 images.
It shows up very bright in both those wavelengths which is not unlike the NTB outbreak,
except that it appears circular.

[Mike Karakas : Winnipeg Canada]

Kazuo Sasaki

[K.Sasaki:Ohsaki-City Miyagi-Prefecture Japan]
≪宮城県大崎市  佐々木一男≫

Kunihiko Suzuki

[Kunihiko Suzuki : Yokohama-city Kanagawa-Prefecture Japan]
≪神奈川県  横浜市  鈴木邦彦≫

John Sussenbach

[John Sussenbach:Houten,Netherlands]

Tiziano Olivetti
attached some images from last night,taken from my observatory in Bangkok.
They show the recent evolution of the NTB outbreak,with the new nucleus preceding the initial one.
Unfortunately seeing was poor,as well as the transparency

[ティジャノ:オリベッティ バンコック タイ]
[Tiziano Olivetti : Bangkok Thailand]

John Rozakis

[John Rozakis,Athens Greece]

Manos Kardasis

[Manos Kardasis,Glyfada-Athens;Greece]
《カーダシス マノス:ギリシャ アテネ》

ALPO-Japan Latest Jupiter Section