火星 月惑星研究会 関西支部

Mars Image 2005/10/15(UT)
Ralf Vandebergh,Paolo R. Lazzarotti,Dr.Timothy J.Parker,Domenico Licchelli,Carmelo Zannelli,Lorenzo Comolli
R.Vandebergh,P.Lazzarotti,Tim Parker,D.Licchelli,C.Zannelli,L.Comolli

Paolo R. Lazzarottiの画像ではNPHが非常に鮮明に捉えられた。
(reported by 3 observers)

Dust strom that had been generated on the 13th became very light
and was almost made quiet. NPH was caught very clearly in the image of
Paolo R. Lazzarotti. (reported by 3 observers)

Ralf Vandebergh(250mm Newton:ATK-1HS)
(10 inch Newton & ATK-1HS @ f/35).

This is a belated blue light image of Mars,obtained on Oct 15, 2005.
Focussed is on the long-living cloud at the limb in the southern regions(see small window)
10 inch Newtonian & ATK-1HS)

[Ralf Vandebergh:Neighbourhood of Maastricht Netherlands]

Paolo R. Lazzarotti (250mm Newton : Lumenera LU075M)
Despite a severe distortion of the image due to the seeing, find here an hardly processed
image showing a yellow plume going toward south acrossing the mare Eritreum.

[Paolo R. Lazzarotti : Massa-City,Italy]

Dr.Timothy J.Parker(12.5" 310mmSC ToUcam PRO)
My Mars observations for Saturday morning. Seeing poor, constant fast, very fine turbulence. No dew. Video used for stacking was acquired and processed at 16-bits/pixel.
[ Dr.Timothy J.Parker : Pasadena, California U.S.A]

Domenico Licchelli (210mm Dall-Kirkham ToUcamPRO)

[Domenico Licchelli ,Gagliano del Capo, Italy]

Carmelo Zannelli (235mm SC: Philips vesta pro )

[Carmelo Zannelli ,  Sicily-Italy]

Lorenzo Comolli(Newton 310mm:Philips VestaPro BW)
Mars 2005-10-15 h 1.35 UT (red)

Telescope: Newton 310mm f/5 + bar TV 3x = Feq 7950mm (f/27)
Camera: Philips VestaPro BW
R: W25 hi-pass filter
B: W38a+IRcut
Elaboration: mean of 600/900 frame, unsharp mask
Notes: RGB obtained with G as mean of R and B exposures,
    RGB time is referred to R image, 140% resample
Location: Tradate (VA, Italy) at 305 m
                 45°42’44.4”N, 8°54’25.9”E
Seeing: III/IV Antoniadi
Author: Lorenzo Comolli 
[Lorenzo Comolli:Tradate (VA, Italy)]

ALPO-Japan Latest Mars Section