y ALPO-Japan Latest

Saturn Image 2022/07/17(UT)
Alexandre Picoli Scardua,Lucca Schwingel Viola,Paul G. Abel,Michael Rosolina

Alexandre Picoli Scardua
Seeing 6/10 Trans 8/10

[ Alexandre Picoli Scardua: Vitoria,Espirito Santo,Brazil]

Lucca Schwingel Viola

[Lucca Schwingel Viola : Matupa Brazil]

Nobuya Minagawa

ᓌs  s  FL[Nobuya Minagawa:Tokyo Japan]

Paul G. Abel
Attached are two drawings showing the transit of Iapetus.  The observation was made with Dr Hugh Sasse at the University of Leicester's LArge Observatory which houses a 508mm (20 inch) planewave Dall-Kirkham.  Initially,seeing was poor and when we started I was unable to see any sign of Iapetus which was predicted to be against the rings.  However as the planet climbed and moved away from the surrounding buildings,seeing improved considerably and I was able to see the satellite on the disk.
While on the disk,I was surprised to note that Iapetus was not particularly dark.  It was not visible all of the time; only when seeing was good and even then it was challenging.  Personally,I doubt I would have seen it in a smaller telescope- although the contrast on my 12" Newtonian at home is superb,I think this would have been two faint to see visually.  I was able to confirm that the satellite was indeed Iapetus as it showed motion (as can be seen in the two drawings) and the path seems to be consistent with the simulation I ran on WINJUPOS this morning.  
I note also that in the good seeing,there was quite a bit of details visible in the rings that would not normally be visible,the B2 ring was seen for example.  The bluish colour in the south,and greenish tint in the far north was seen once more.

[Paul G. Abel:Leicester:United Kingdom]

Michael Rosolina
I made this recent observation under good seeing conditions. I tried to see the Iapetus shadow transit but was unsuccessful.

[Michael Rosolina : Friars Hill,WV  USA]

ALPO-Japan Latest Saturn Section